Can.not. believe that we are at week 35 already! It is amazing how quickly this pregnancy has gone by. Sad and exciting all at the same time. :-)
I had my final progesterone blood draw at the lab yesterday. Level was still just below level 2 (see chart at top) but NaPro doc says I can go down to 100mg for 2 more injections and then be done. Hooray for no more needles!!!
Home visit with the midwives is this Friday so I am furiously
intending to clean the house the next few days. Ha ha! We'll see what I actually get done. I have had a lingering cold for almost 6 weeks now and am just starting to feel a bit better. I tell ya - it is no fun to have sudden, intense coughing fits while having a 5# baby
squishing your bladder. I also pulled a belly muscle during one fit, thankfully that healed up quickly as it was rather painful.
Otherwise, I am feeling good. Very little swelling, blood pressure still fine, blood glucose readings have been good, urine stick readings are all good, baby is moving lots. Little monkey still likes to go breech and transverse often, but seems to be starting to settle down in a good position. I am still visiting the chiropractor weekly for adjustments and that keeps me walking at least. I have regained all the weight I worked so hard to lose last year, but that is just how it goes. It's been hard to exercise the latter part - especially with this cold.
All birth supplies are gathered and ready to go. It's amazing to imagine birthing our baby. I can't wait! I love birth - yes, it is hard work but it is such an incredible process and the reward is like none other. Prayers for all to go well are much appreciated.
Birth story will likely be when you hear from me again - in the next 6 weeks or so, unless something exciting happens in the meantime!