Friday, March 21, 2008
T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge!
It begins April 11 with pictures, measurements and general info for the entry. There are several categories, haven't decided which I will enter. There is a Youth Division, so Heather is going to enter with me! :-) We exercise daily for 60 days and send photos and measurements on May 11 and then again final photos on June 11 with an essay. We also need to keep a daily exercise log. We could win a trip to FL, discounts to the workshop, or T-Tapp materials.
This is just what I needed to get motivated to exercise!
Next step on eating plan

The LifeForce plan says that I could add back the following foods this week (I can't believe it's been 9 weeks already!):
- Vinegar
- Nuts
- Beans
- Dried fruit
- Juices
- Soy sauce
- Popcorn
However, keeping in mind that I want to transition to low carb to continue the weight loss and health benefits, I have decided that I would allow vinegar (olives/pickles/marinades - yeah!), and small amounts of nuts and beans only. I will continue to avoid the dried fruit, juices, soy sauce and popcorn.
Over the next few weeks they also allow you to re-introduce grains, yeast, sugar and dairy. My plan is to NOT add those in, except the dairy on week 16 - and that will be small amounts of raw milk, some farmer's cheese, amish butter, cottage cheese and sour cream. As I add those in, I will decrease the rice and potatoes to make the transition.
I will stick with those foods as a general guideline for life... I just can't have the carbs except on very rare occasions!
Pretty proud of myself
This is my dinner tonight. Mmmmmm.... wild salmon filets cooked in coconut oil, salt, pepper, Bragg's Amino Acids and a bit of black tea with lemon (was out of lemon juice), rice, and wilted spinach.
I have done pretty well with my diet, even amidst the hospital stay and craziness since then. On Wed after Tom arrived at the ER I did run out to Hardee's for dinner before the surgeon got back with a prognosis. I was rushed and worried and decided I'd eat whatever I could get and worry about it later. I ordered a Mushroom-n-Swiss meal with UNsweetened tea... once I got back to the ER I sat in the bathroom to gobble it down (Will was starving but not allowed to eat before surgery and I couldn't eat in front of him but wanted to be close) and make sure I could hear if the dr. came in. I started to take a bite of the burger and just couldn't get myself to eat the bread - in fact, didn't even WANT it! The cheese I wanted, but I went ahead and wiped off everything I could and just ate the meat and fries - still not quite ON plan, but better than falling of the wagon completely!
We have had the church providing some meals, my dad brought pizza out for lunch, I baked some bread and even some choc chip cookies... but I haven't had even a smidgen of any of that. I am so thrilled that my self-control is better! :-)
Monday, March 17, 2008
I exercised this morn!
Weight loss is kinda at a stand-still right now so I am trying to get it moving down again.
I am supposed to be able to add back a lot of foods tomorrow which is the 9 week mark, but I may not add everything back - I plan to adjust to low carb from here... will type out a game plan soon.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Inches lost!!!
Friday, March 7, 2008

Medical Study for PCOS