This is my dinner tonight. Mmmmmm.... wild salmon filets cooked in coconut oil, salt, pepper, Bragg's Amino Acids and a bit of black tea with lemon (was out of lemon juice), rice, and wilted spinach.
I have done pretty well with my diet, even amidst the hospital stay and craziness since then. On Wed after Tom arrived at the ER I did run out to Hardee's for dinner before the surgeon got back with a prognosis. I was rushed and worried and decided I'd eat whatever I could get and worry about it later. I ordered a Mushroom-n-Swiss meal with UNsweetened tea... once I got back to the ER I sat in the bathroom to gobble it down (Will was starving but not allowed to eat before surgery and I couldn't eat in front of him but wanted to be close) and make sure I could hear if the dr. came in. I started to take a bite of the burger and just couldn't get myself to eat the bread - in fact, didn't even WANT it! The cheese I wanted, but I went ahead and wiped off everything I could and just ate the meat and fries - still not quite ON plan, but better than falling of the wagon completely!
We have had the church providing some meals, my dad brought pizza out for lunch, I baked some bread and even some choc chip cookies... but I haven't had even a smidgen of any of that. I am so thrilled that my self-control is better! :-)
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