Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Alright, been putting off and putting off exercising... realizing how quickly muscle disappears when it's not in use! I pulled out T-Tapp and did the floor routine called "Secret to a Flat Stomach" :-) I acutally did the whole routine 3x to be sure I got it despite interruptions, it's pretty short. I am planning to get back to my 15 min basic routine daily again soon - but am proud of myself for doing SOMETHING today!!! Now off for a tromp through the woods with the kids to see if we can find any lizards or snakes for Will.

Friday, August 15, 2008


After writing the post below, I started my cycle the same day - day 30, woo hoo! Two weeks of spotting was no fun, but at least there was a fairly normal time between. I am looking forward to being done with the PCOS study so that I can take some more supplements and hormone creams. In the meantime, I am continuing to work on weight loss. It's amazing how much my mood improved as soon as my cycle started. I feel so much better while on my period - even with cramps and aches - it's wierd.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's not worth it!

While I was traveling I started out pretty careful, we took our food and didn't stop to eat at all - but once we got to my sister's, I gradually let myself eat things I shouldn't. I gained 8lbs back all said - not too bad for 3-4 weeks of eating poorly, but now I have to work at that again.

I have been back on my strict diet for 5 days now and have lost 4lbs so far. I need to get into exercising again as the weight seems to have all settled in my rear end and my skirts aren't fitting the same. Exercise is much needed to smooth and tone.

I started my cycle right before we left on our trip - was quite heavy and a bit long, but not too bad. Right before I left, I started spotting again and that has continued for the last week and a half. It's driving me crazy!!!

So, with all that, I was feeling pretty bad the last couple weeks. I was not sleeping well, felt exhausted and moody, had major breakouts, itchy face, joint pain, got slapped with several migraines in a row, was constipated, etc... After starting back on the diet, I began detoxing. It was worse for several days, I had lots of pain at the base of my neck and shoulders. I did some salt bath soaks and that pain got better but it went into my thyroid which hurt for a couple days but is now feeling better also.

My spirits are lifted today and I am ready to tackle the housecleaning that got behind. Looks like we might get some much needed rain! A good day to be at home.

The moral of the story is: It's not worth it!!! The pain and trouble and moods and pounds - not worth a few cookies, cake, icecream and soda... really it's not!