Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back from vacation,but...

we've been sick with colds and it is taking longer to settle in than I had hoped, new goal is Monday, February 2 to start the 16 week yeast detox "McComb's Plan" (see link in sidebar).

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Taking a vacation

Leaving for vacation tomorrow and will be gone for almost 2 weeks. Will resume the diet when we return and I get groceries and settled back in. Goal is Wednesday, Jan 28.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 8

Much better today, thank you! :-)

I ate well. Cream of Rice (yum!) for b'fast with coffee, rice cake and tuna with grated cucumber for lunch, salmon and rice and butternut squash and fruit salad for dinner - delicious!

I drank almost a full gallon of water, exercised, brushed and took a hot bath.

Read my Bible.

Took melatonin and was alseep before midnight.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 7

Not such a great day.

I woke up and felt fine, but as I moved about through the morning my lower back started to really hurt. I felt a bit crampy and my legs began to ache. I was concerned it was PMS, which would be bad since it had only been 2 weeks. I think now that it was my kidneys again. I went to church but the drive was pretty uncomfortable and so I went down and laid on the nursery floor and listened on the speaker. We had a fellowship meal after worship, I sat with the children and ate but was not able to stay for afternoon worship. We came home and I stayed in bed most of the afternoon. :(

At the meal, I ate okay. Did the best I could considering. I had taken some chicken and a bowl of veggies, I also grabbed some salad with roasted onion in it, some other veggies and couldn't resist a bowl of bear stew. I avoided the dessert table entirely and brought my water jug so just drank that.

After our naps, we enjoyed a roast and veggies from the crockpot. Tom and the kids played games in the evening and I sat in our room doing Bible reading, reading blogs and enjoying the uninterrupted time. I got struck with lots of sadness though and ended up crying on Tom's shoulder after he got kids to bed. Poor guy, so bewildered, I very rarely cry. I will go into more of my feelings in a different post, different page. Anyway... here is where the night went wrong. I ate 6 cashew turtles!!!! Waaaah ;( Frustrated with myself for turning to chocolate instead of going to God in prayer.

On the bright side, I DID drink an entire gallon of water!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 6

I had a small cheat today. Tom wanted to buy some beef jerky, and wanted us all to taste it so that he knew we would like it before he bought a few pkgs... so he got the teriyaki kind and it had sugar, and MSG and I think even corn syrup solids. Now, I did have only 3-4 small crumbs, not even really a piece... but had to fess up anyway.

Okay, that feels better...

B'fast - my darling husband made chopped burgers, fried potatos and fried eggs combined with some fresh salsa I had made a few days ago... sooo yummy!

Lunch - a banana and a rice cake on the run (church mtg this afternoon).

Dinner - burger, baked potato, corn

Not great on my water, but I did drink a few glasses. I also pulled out my half-gallon jug from behind all the canned goods in the cabinet this evening, so should start to get at least one of those down daily now.

We (except Tom who is sore, wimper, wimper) all did T-Tapp Ladybug first part. I took a SUPER hot bath, really sweat in there and feel good now. I forgot to brush before I got in though, oh well.

I read my Bible reading this AM. All in all, not a bad day.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 5

Today was a busy day, but I did fine. Meals were a little boring... we had cold rice for b'fast, leftover cold chicken with cucumber slices and rice cakes for lunch (packed), and taco salad for dinner. I made a dessert while we were watching a family movie, took the leftover rice and added a can of coconut milk and some cinnamon and a dropper of stevia - warmed in oven for "rice pudding"... everyone seemed to enjoy it.

The whole family did the first segment of the T-Tapp Ladybug routine tonight. I was going to take a hot bath, but am falling asleep (before 10pm!!!), so will skip tonight. I drank several glasses of water today, but not as many as yesterday.

I did complete my Bible reading today also. G'night!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 4

I did well today. Scrambled eggs for b'fast with my coffee, baked potato with coconut oil for lunch, chicken leg quarters with brown rice and broccoli/carrots for dinner. I had a banana for snack at some point, don't remember when. I did much better with my water today! I drank probably 72 oz, not quite what it needs to be, but better!

The whole family did the ladybug standing routine tonight. Rose pushed me to do a litte more, we had been stopping after the first segment. Tonight she and I got up to the "thread the needle" and then I was done. My muscles feel much better and I am so glad we have been consistent so far.

I got my skin brushing and hot salt bath in tonight, ready to climb into bed... oh, noticing that I am getting tired a wee bit earlier, and my mood is improving -hooray!!!

I also have started a plan to read through the Bible chronologically this year - got caught up on that while in the tub. :-)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 3

I am super sore today. I did T-Tapp Ladybug workout (designed to help with hormones, primarily menopausal women, but should help me too). It felt great, but afterwards I had trouble walking - my thighs are super sore while everywhere else feels just a bit stretched.

I have done great with my eating, my energy is up a bit still. I needed a little motivation today, so stepped on the scale - down 2 pounds so far! I still really, really need to dig out my water bottles and start drinking at least a half gallon a day to start. I know I would start to feel better and be less hungry.

I dry brushed and took a hot salt water bath last night, felt fabulous and my skin still feels good today. I woke up with a headache and shoulder/neck tension - a sure sign that I am detoxing. Got better early afternoon.

That's it for today!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 2

I have started back on the yeast detox diet - now called the "McCombs Plan". Today is day 2, the whole family is doing it for the most part, though I am stricter by far. I am feeling better already, seriously! It is amazing. I went for groceries last night and we are now well-stocked on meat, rice, potatoes, fruits and veggies. I stopped by to tell dad Happy Birthday last night and was able to resist the Cold Stone Creamery cake and the offer of Sloppy Joe's. I ate when I got home, meatloaf, baked potato and corn. I had eggs for b'fast and meatloaf, rice and peas for lunch. Today we had fruit salad for b'fast with coffee (tea for kids), and burgers and rice for lunch. Tonight we will have chicken and rice and broccoli.

Oh, the kids and I T-Tapped yesterday also. My legs are sore, amazing what that little workout can do for my muscles, strength and energy. I am getting ready to go load the DVD up again today.

I need to get better about my water intake!!! I added a ticker up top - more motivating to see it in my face! :-) I feel like a wimp, not putting my actual weight there - but NOBODY knows that, not even dh. Last year this time, the number of pounds to lose said 99. I am glad that it is less, though not as much less as I had hoped. I pray I can make great strides in this.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year

I have been stuffing down my dealing with dissapointment this New Year and finally allowing myself to feel it this morning. Very emotional as my cycle began last week and was hard and painful, landing me in bed for several days with extreme back and kidney pain, and now getting hit with a cold - yuck!

I know that my goals for myself this year were not what God is waiting on - His timing is perfect and His Will will be, whether I reach my goals for myself or not. However, I want to be a vessel that is ready and the best I can be - a healthy me that is ready for whatever God calls me to, physically AND spiritually fit. Right now I am so NOT either of these, been very neglectful these past 6 months.

So, new resolutions with more understanding, slightly different outlook, growth and stretching happening always. As I reflect on this year, it has been a major one for us - not in ways I anticipated (is it ever?) but lots of positive growth especially with the two men (one grown, 1 little) in my life. Time to move on and look forward to 2009 and the plans God has for us... promises to be an interesting year for sure in many arenas.

Starting again, same goals...