Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


I started using 1/4 tsp Emerita progesterone cream this morning - oops! just saw my notes that I should do that in the evening. So, switching to that now. Willcontinue for 2 weeks or until menses,

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Goals for this Week

Diet is going well, choosing the "yes" foods is super easy after the last few weeks. I have now lost 14 lbs and am feeling pretty good. I haven't done well with exercise, really low on energy the last few days - don't know if it's from bleeding for so long or if I am getting sick or what. Need to do better though.

Tom is going to start Mon waking me up and helping me make sure I am out of bed when he is in the mornings. I want to have b'kfast with him and quiet time in the mornings when it is still quiet. So that is my goal this week.

I am now taking 2 Cal/Mag, 2 B-Complex, and 1 Yeast/Fungus Detox at each meal and the Melatonin at night. I have realized that if I take the Melatonin and then work on relaxing, I actually do fall asleep pretty fast - but if I keep working then I push through it and it doesn't work.

So goals for coming week... up with Tom, Quiet time in AM, Continue with Supplements, Skin Brushing and Hot Bath at night before bed (after Melatonin)!

Friday, January 25, 2008

HFS visit

Went to see Lina today and got a hair analysis done. It will be 2 weeks before results are in. My last one was 2 years ago so I am curious how things are compared to then.

I also asked her about the progesterone and estrogen creams... she said to take the estrogen, just a tiny bit days 1-7 of cycle and then the progesterone days 14-end. The estrogen should be taken in the mornings and the progesterone at bedtime. If menses is scant, then up the progesterone the next time.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Good news!

I have now officially lost 10 pounds! HoOrAy!!!!!

Also, AF has finally left the building. :-)

Yeast Detox diet has begun

After another night with a headache and me avoiding the salt water for fear of more severe reactions, I have decided that the Master Cleanse is too harsh/fast for me right now. I hope to do it and other cleanses again soon - but for now am moving on to the Yeast Detox diet from Life Force. I stocked up on meat, fruits and veggies and am going to also watch my portions. This is a 16-week program and I look forward to seeing more pounds melt away!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cleansing Update

Okay, I have been working on a colon cleanse this week and it has definitely been... cleansing. I have been a bit more tired, achey, and many other signs of detox so I haven't posted here. There have been a couple of nights this week where I have felt like I was detoxing too fast so have had a bit of dinner to slow down so I could keep up with life. I know it would be better for me in the long run to just let it run it's course and spend a day or two in bed, but come on - who has time for that? :-) So, in general doing well. Have lost 7lbs. Still cycling but I think finally reaching the end. Have not replaced my T-Tapp DVDs yet, but to be honest, haven't tried real hard either since I've been tired. I AM encouraged that I am doing as well as I am considering I have been fasting the majority of the last 17 days. I am feeling a bit of a need to refocus, feel like I've started concentrating a lot on the physical and don't want to lose sight of the spiritual needs too - so will work on that in days coming. That's about it for now!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Good News / Bad News - A needed update

Okay, like I mentioned I started my cycle and so this Friday when I got a great report from my friend that I've been praying for, I decided that due to feeling weak and to celebrate answered prayers, I would go ahead and take a break from fasting for the weekend again. Tom and I actually went out for dinner by ourselves on Saturday! It was lovely - and yummy! Back on track today. GOOD

I have been enjoying my Bible studies and prayer times. I am seeing growth there for sure and thank God for that. Would like to increase / concentrate my prayer times more still, so working on being able to do that. GOOD

I have been doing poorly with getting to bed on time and getting up early. I have done it a few times, but not consistently. BAD

I am not taking my Melatonin as needed - thinking about setting an alarm clock to go off each evening! BAD

Exercise - well, was doing okay and enjoying it the few times in a row I did it - but then my DVDs quit playing. I need to try them on my laptop, if that doesn't work I will start using my gazelle and just order the T-Tapp DVDs. BAD

I am feeling okay, still feeling heavy, yeasty, itchy, achey - not sleeping well and feeling pretty run down still. Hope to get some improvement soon. I am pretty glad that my womb is cleaning out well this time - last was so sporadic. I have to see hope in that! Oh, my face has been breaking out like crazy and my hair is more oily, ick! I have also noticed that my face has been itchy almost daily. Hoping this is detox/cleansing symptoms.

Guess that's about it for now... that's where I am right now!


Okay, so call me crazy... I prob'ly am!

I have done 3 days fasting, 2 days off, 5 days fasting, 2 days off, and started fasting again today. Tomorrow, I will continue fasting but will add in the Master's Cleanse to clean out my colon - I will do this for 10-21 days, we'll see how it goes. I started tonight with Smooth Move tea and will start drinking the lemon juice with maple syrup and cayenne tomorrow with lots more water and a salt flush first thing in the mornings. This means also that I will be giving up my coffee starting tomorrow! :(

The oil pulling is interesting, and pretty gross. I started tonight and will try to do it each evening. Basically, you swish a Tbsp of oil around in your mouth for 20 minutes. I will give it a few weeks and see what happens.

After I am done with the Master Cleanse, I will switch to the Yeast Detox which takes 16 weeks to complete and should seem super easy after the rest of these.

In the summer I plan to do a kidney cleanse also with lots of watermelon and water.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The last few days

I haven't taken the time to post but wanted to get in an update. I have been doing okay, kept up the fast all week so far and exercised twice. Best of all, I have been spending more time in prayer and reflecting on Bible readings. Things have been busy and stressful with work, but doing better today. I started my cycle again! It's only been 3 weeks, so I don't know what that is all about but better shorter than longer I'd say. I thought I was going insane yesterday and today and then discovered why... whew! Glad there was a reason I was crying and angry and just basically going nuts.

Monday, January 7, 2008

I did it!!!

I finally got off my butt and exercised tonight. I actually did the T-Tapp Basic Workout plus Hoedowns, which I hadn't done before and I think I will definitely be feeling it tomorrow... which will remind me to exercise again! :-) Hooray me!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008


I have done poorly this weekend, for several reasons. We had our annual company dinner Friday night, which I knew about before I started the fast and decided that I would just plan to make an exception for. We had a great time but Saturday morning was also day 10 of my Amish Friendship bread, so I baked it that morning and was weak - very weak. The major reason though was that I was not supporting my weak flesh through prayer. I am restarting tomorrow morning and will be doing the 2 weeks all over again. I am sorry Lord for making promises I didn't keep, I am sorry to my dear friend for committing and falling short, and I am sorry for failing myself. Please pray for my strength in the coming weeks?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

On Fasting...

Matthew Henry says that...

"Fasting and prayer are proper means for the bringing down of Satan’s power against us, and the fetching in of divine power to our assistance. Fasting is of use to put an edge upon prayer; it is an evidence and instance of humiliation which is necessary in prayer, and is a means of mortifying some corrupt habits, and of disposing the body to serve the soul in prayer. When the devil’s interest in the soul is confirmed by the temper and constitution of the body, fasting must be joined with prayer, to keep under the body".

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Day 1 Report

I did pretty well today I think. I got up at 7:15 this morning and enjoyed some coffee and conversation with Tom before he left for work. It hasn't been hard to avoid food since my appetite is so messed up anyway. I spent time reading the Bible and a bit of time in prayer - need to increase that tomorrow. I did NOT exercise though!!! I just realized that... uggh! I did drink several glasses of water and I took some Cal/Mag and a Melatonin this evening. I am falling asleep as I type this and it isn't 11 yet - so that is encouraging! Will check in again tomorrow.

Why is it that...

... every other day I am not hungry until late afternoon/evening. But today, the first day of my fast, my stomach is growling as soon as I crawl out of bed??? LOL!

... it is so easy for the calendar year to change and start afresh? I took down last year's calendar and looked through it, filled out the b'days and anniv's in the new one and hung it. I was jealous of the ease of "starting fresh" as I so want that in me, to be wiped clean and have new habits and a new start. I suppose that even the calendar days have "scars"... there were some days with memories of deaths and sad happenings in with the birthdays and other good things. The point is to remember but move on, press forward and be able to look back on a year full of change for the good.

... food is such an addiction for us? We have to eat to live, it is a purely necessary function. God also gave us the joys of flavors and colors and smells - but why do we have to take it to the levels of sinful gluttony?


I am fasting and praying the next two weeks, not only for my health and a baby, but also for a dear friend who is going through a horrible time in her marriage. I am praying for her lost husband who needs the Lord and for her strength as she prays for him and forgives him day after day, believing that God can save their marriage.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Goals for Week One

First Steps - to take as long as needed (time will vary).
(See whole list in left margin)

Spiritual - Blog notes after daily Bible reading.
Sleep - In bed by 11pm, lights out before midnight. Out of bed at 8am.
Eating - Liquid fast for 2 weeks Jan 2-15.
Exercise - T-Tapp More 5x per week.
Supplements - Melatonin @ 8pm and B Complex 2 / 3x daily.