Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Progesterone shut-down cycle FAIL!

Well, this was an interesting cycle to be sure.

I was attempting to suppress ovulation, take lots of progesterone to correct the ration of estrogen to progesterone in my body and give myself a wee break from the ttc madness.  The plan was to do 3 cycles.  I took 96mg of USP progesterone cream on day 7-26.  I took my temp regularly though didn't always chart them right away.  I noticed cm and other symptoms but kept shoving them back in my brain telling myself I was "on break".  I did not record in my journal, have not eaten well, have rarely exercised.  I was really taking a break... or so I thought.

I just this afternoon went to enter the last 5 days of bbt temps in my TCOYF chart and realized, huh, those have all been higher.  Entered the data and lo and behold the chart gave me an ovulation date of cd 25 - about a week ago.  If I think back, yep, did have a bit more cm around then - yep, I do remember feeling tender/sore and yep, I did also have abdominal twinges around then.  It wasn't as severe as recent cycles but the signs were there.

So, guess we're in the 2 week wait - about a week through it actually, which is nice.  I don't expect much, but will be watching with interest.

Will be considering future cycles, will probably continue as planned, I don't know?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Progesterone shut-down cycle #1

Today is day 26 of my cycle. I used 96mg of progesterone cream (32 in AM and 64 in PM) each day from day 7 - today.  Tomorrow I will not use it and hopefully within a couple days will get a period (withdrawal bleed).  I have had quite a few side effects / symptoms this cycle, most notable being:

1)  Moodiness - tense and "on edge" much of the time.  Teary and weepy other times.
2)  BBT higher - fairly steady around 97.7, some fluctuations at a couple points during the cycle but no ovulation which is one goal.
3)  Acne - my skin has been the worst it's been in a LONG time, my face has had several places break out, not all over but the ones that were there were big and red and sore.  :-(
4)  Sleep disturbances - night sweats and restlessness, lots of dreams which is very rare for me.
5)  I had some abdominal cramping off and on, days 22-24 I was sore and tender like around ovulation but it didn't happen.
6)  Sore breasts on a few days but not all cycle.

I think that's it.  I'll update when my cycle starts over and let you know how that goes, any changes, etc...  It's been interesting.  I hope that next cycle is better, it did get better toward the end of this one and I am attributing much of this to the temporary rise in estrogen and activation of receptors that is expected at the beginning.  I plan to do 3 total cycles and I'll keep you posted!