Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Test results at last

I finally got copies of my blood work from the PCOS / Acupuncture study done at the UVA in 2008.  These blood draws were taken on April 8, 2008 which is day 53 out of a 77 day cycle.

Blood pressure - 137/81 and later 99/67 (normal 120/80))
Pulse - 95 and later 80 (normal 60-80)
Respiration - 18 and later 16 (normal 12-18)
Temp - 95.7 and later 98.1 (normal 98.6)

Oral glucose tolerance test
Fasting - 87 (normal 60-100)
1 hour - 128 (normal less than 200)
2 hour - 129 (normal less than 140)

Click word to go to wikipedia definition.
Result - 5.0% (normal 4-5.9%)

Result - 287.0ug/dL (normal 35-430ug/dL)
Women with PCOS often have levels over 200.

Result - 93 (normal 6-86)
Women with PCOS have elevated levels of testosterone.

Result - 149.00 ng/dL (normal follicular phase is 15-70, luteal phase is 35-290)
Since I have no idea which phase of my cycle I was in or whether I ovulated that cycle, this seems difficult to understand how it my relate.

Result - 1.64 uIU/mL (normal 0.4 - 4.0)
PCOS women usually have normal levels, this was tested to rule out a thyroid problem - very good news!)

Result - 5.0 n/mL (normal 2-29)
PCOS women usually have normal levels, this was tested to rule out a pituitary tumor or other problem).

That's it!  I was hoping there was an FSH/LH reading in there somewhere and maybe some more hormone levels, but good to finally get these!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fresh Fig and Greek Yogurt pie recipe

Fresh Fig Pie  (adapted from here)

2 cups Greek-style strained yogurt
up to 2 tablespoons raw, unfiltered honey
6 to 8 ripe Mission figs, cut into 1/4-inch slices
1 8-inch almond flour pie shell
additional honey, if desired

Fold up to two tablespoons raw honey into two cups strained Greek-style yogurt. Stir well so that the honey is fully incorporated into the yogurt.  Spoon the yogurt into an almond flour pie shell. Gently place the sliced figs over the yogurt.  Drizzle the sliced figs with additional honey, if it suits you.

Friday, September 17, 2010

October 7

My first appointment is set!  I am excited and nervous to move on in this journey.  My 60 days of initial charting will be up on September 29 and my appt with Dr. Yeung is a week later.  I will continue to chart using the Creighton Method and send it to the Dr, but this gets enough to hopefully give him a decent picture of what is going on with me and where to go next.  My wonderful teacher, LaDean Barnes is preparing my referral letter and gathering all my data for him.  My hope for this appt is to have a good consult with the Dr, to get some initial exams and tests done or labs ordered, I also am hoping for a prescription for Metformin as it will often help by stabilizing any insulin resistance and lowering testosterone.

Please keep us in prayer as we will have many decisions to make - pray for answers and clarity.  Thank you all!  :-)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Painful cycle

 I am in lots of pain today.  I get this way every few months, so far this year has been December, January and April and now today.

I am on CD 21, taking no medications currently.  My ladycomp says that I ovulated on CD 16 (not sure why) my temp has been up the last 3 days.  According to my mucus symptoms, I would guess maybe an ovulation on day 18, but not quite certain.  I am still trying to learn how to tell the difference between semen and my mucus.  I had right abdominal pain/twinges  for the past 4 or 5 days.

Today, I have lots of lower back pain and sciatica pain, my legs are achey, I have this very irritating itchy feeling inside my right hip (nerve being pressed on? - can't scratch it!), I was very hot during the night last night and have slept restlessly the last couple of nights, I have joint pain and a slight headache today, I am SO tired... with the pain and exhaustion, I have been in bed for most of the day today, sleeping for 8 hours of it.

Not sure whether to associate it with actual ovulation, attempted ovulation, enlarged ovary, ovarian cyst, endometriosis, what???  I have 3 weeks until my appt with my specialist, but meet with my charting instructor next Thurs and will ask her if other clients have had this too... very curious and painful... wondering where it fits into the puzzle.