Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Been sick

Came down with a cold / cough / sinus infection Thanksgiving day, been pretty miserable. On top of that, started spotting and then full-blown cycle at the same time. Very short (16 day) cycle this month. :-( It wasn't too bad as far as sciatica pain, but the endo spot on my nose did flare up and bleed the last day of menses as usual. Not sure if the sciatica wasn't as bad because I was already in bed and not moving around on it or what. I have been taking my supplements this past week, but not my smoothies (just no energy to make them and keep forgetting to ask Heather to) and I have been eating poorly (whatever Tom brought home / felt like warming up). So... not feeling great still, but feel like it's improving slowly. I hope to get back to my good diet and all the supplements by this weekend at the latest, I will weigh on Monday and survey the damage.

I am contemplating starting the GAPS diet in the New Year. Any thought or experiences anyone?


Kristen said...

Well, Amber, you know me- always curious, but not always so eager to try... :) I think the biggest thing I'd steer away from on that diet is the crushed fish heads in the fish stock. Oh dear, I can't think of much worse than fish head soup! :) This diet sounds like a lot of work, but if it would make you feel better, then it is probably worth it! Kristen :)

Cindy said...

I have been reading about this diet too!! Mostly for eczema issues of course. Still trying to figure it out and wonder if we could actually do it. Anxious to hear what you learn!