Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Blessings and update

Thought I would do a quick update here.  We are now on day 23 of charting with CrMS and all is going well so far.  We can tell there is definite low progesterone happening so far.  We meet with LaDean again on Thursday and will learn some more parts of the charting and evaluate everything so far.  I really look forward to our visit, she has blessed us in immeasurable ways already.

I am currently searching for a local care provider that would be willing to work via Dr. Yeung so that we don't have the expense of traveling to see him in NC.  I have some leads, but nothing definite yet.  Hoping to talk with a couple more possibilities tomorrow.  We will make the trip if we have to, but he has offered this as a way to reduce our costs and I am so very thankful.  Please pray that someone would be willing to work with us in this way!

Another unexpected blessing was a LadyComp given to us by our very good friends along with their prayers for our fertility.  I had lots of fun getting it set up this afternoon and can very easily temp my bbt each morning and the computer tracks and evaluates it.  Since my cycles are irregular, it will take a while for it to be able to predict ovulation and menses, but it should help to confirm my other charts and eventually as I stabilize my hormones it should be very helpful.

I have been feeling pretty well.  Thankful my cycle was not longer than 41 days this time.  I have been eating well for the vast majority of the past 6 weeks and have lost a few more pounds, but seem stalled.  Tom and I had decided to start running on the Couch to 5K program and really enjoyed it, but I ended up with a knee injury a couple days after our 2nd run.  :-(  I spent about 10 days in bed but am much improved now.  I was able to walk 1/4 mile this morning while Tom ran and will build up to longer distances eventually.  I am planning to get back to T-Tapp on the other 3 days a week.

So, that's about it for now.  I have some studying to do before our next class and many other pressing matters about the home here.  I will update again in the next week or two.  Thank you for your prayers and support.

1 comment:

SandyKaye said...

Am praying for your situation and hope God will bless you with another little one. Love you both!