Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A name

So hubby and I agreed on a name last night. In the past, we have not been able to do that until a few weeks from birth. I couldn't believe that we both liked a name and settled on it so easily! It's a girl name, and we are hoping for a boy, but I really like it. :-) Not going to share, we don't do that until baby is born and this one isn't even conceived yet! BUT, I did look up the meaning this morning and I will tell you that it means "Purely Desired Life"... how awesome is that!!!?

Update: We have also agreed on a boy name now. They both would work really well together also, if anyone else out there is praying for twins for us. We would LOVE that! The boy name means "Jehovah God is my Lord and Helper".

Not saying that they won't change. Who knows? We'll have 9 months to think about it. But, it's fun to think we've got that down already! :-)


Kristen said...

I love that feeling when you finally AGREE on a name! Still praying for you and for a baby!

SandyKaye said...

MEE TOOO!--the mother