Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Radiology report

NaPro Dr kindly forwarded me the radiology report so I could read for myself all the details (fitting, since they ARE my ovaries - why we don't get them automatically is beyond my understanding!).

Here we go - FINDINGS:
"Examination shows endometrium to be normal for age with the uterus measuring 8.5 x 3.1 x 4.9 cm. Calcification is suggested adjacent to the cervix which could be seen secondary to prior inflmmation or delivery. The right ovary measures to 3.7 and the left to 3.4 cm in size. Multiple cysts are seen bilaterally within the ovaries with the largest on the right measuring 2.3 cm and the largest on the left measuring 1.9 cm. No free fluid is identified. Small nabothian cyst is noted which may reflect earlier inflammatory or post surgical change."

My NaPro doc said that the larger cysts are consistent with physiologic follicles (follicles preparing to release an egg). He also said that he can't tell from this report whether my ovaries are consistent with PCOS or not. The cyst and calcification on my cervix was not mentioned to me by either doctor, but is a bit alarming to me.

So... now what? I don't know. My NaPro Dr. has moved to MO and requested that I find local care. :-( The family doc here offered me a referral to the ob/gyn in their practice and I may take them up on that for further testing and treatment. Planning to sit down with my hubby tonight for some R&R and discussion.

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