Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Update on last couple weeks

A quick update... my cycle started again this past Friday, 29 days since the previous one - that is improvement! I was pretty tense the night before and very tense the morning of, but once started I felt much better. I don't know how my family lives with me some days. It was only about 12 hours this time with the horrible pms - that is a bit of improvement too. This cycle has been very light so far, not sure what that is about. No migraine - woo hoo!

I have had some pain in my thyroid over this weekend, Fri - Sun. Not sure if it was hormonal due to the cycle starting or what, but it has gone away now.

Two weeks ago (Oct 7-12) I had some very bad sciatica pain. It started out the first day in both sides and I was taking it easy, but able to function - the next day was in my right side, horrible pain and pinching and tightness - I could not sit up at all and being upright made it spasm. I was bed-ridden. The next day I forced myself to take the kids to classes, I took tylenol and got through the morning (though near tears for most of it) but was back in bed all afternoon once I got home. It improved quite a bit by Sunday and Monday I was pretty close to normal. I remembered Friday night that a homeopathic blend had been a help to me in the past for relaxing the muscles and allowing the nerve to move out of it's pinched position. I think that helped get me on the mend.

In other news, I am feeling pretty good about the weight loss so far, but definitely need to step up and exercise to get it moving a little faster. I am having very little to none of the panic/anxiety and have started taking 400mg of the SAMe and 1 tsp of the maca. I do think both of these "new additions" are helping me.

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