Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Some interesting notes

I've noticed a few changes over the last couple weeks.

I have been getting tired at a more normal time.  Around 10pm or so, I am ready for bed.  May be due to it getting dark earlier?  As a result, I've been able to get up earlier again, which is very nice!

I am dreaming every night and remembering my dreams in the morning... that is something that I haven't had happen in a very long time and definitely not consistently in years.  Do most people dream on a regular basis?

I also have become more weepy/emotional.  I was reading a book last week and cried through several parts, I cried during an episode of Little House on the Prairie the other day, and watched "It's A Wonderful Life" for the umpteenth time a couple nights ago and had tears rolling down my face.

So... what does this mean?  I don't know!  It is quite foreign to me.  I've never been a "crier" or "dreamer".  Is this what it's like to be a normal woman?  Is it a sign that hormones are getting to levels they should be?  I have no idea... but, it's an interesting thought!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dream all the time and cry sometimes at sad movies - but then I've always been like that!