Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I have had a couple busy weeks, went to mom's for a few days last week and have had school, classes, soccer, etc... but wanted to update a bit here.

I have had quite a bit of improvement. In mood and coping abilities and weight loss mostly.

* Anxiety - still dealing with this a bit, depending on the day, usually worse in afternoons and evenings.
* Back Pain - not bad
* Cycle - a week overdue ???
* Exercise - not last week but back to it daily this week
* Food - doing very well with my food choices, digestion and bloating improved
* Migraine - none since Aug 5
* Sleep - when having a bad anxiety night it is hard to fall asleep lying down, but sleeping pretty well otherwise
* Supplements - Pretty consistent, feel like what I am taking is helping, considering adding a couple things soon
* Thyroid - swelling seems to be going down a bit, still wear down quickly but it will take time
* Tonsil stones - pretty much gone, not an issue right now - yeah!
* Yeast - detoxing with diet is causing some itchy skin/scalp, I need to do more brushing and salt water soaks.

I have been feeling better about my attention span, ability to have conversations without losing track of what I was saying/hearing, also doing better with patience with the children and hubby, I find I am able to manage my time better also - don't get stuck doing one thing without being able to see the other things that need attention and how to accomplish them.

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