Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Painful cycle

 I am in lots of pain today.  I get this way every few months, so far this year has been December, January and April and now today.

I am on CD 21, taking no medications currently.  My ladycomp says that I ovulated on CD 16 (not sure why) my temp has been up the last 3 days.  According to my mucus symptoms, I would guess maybe an ovulation on day 18, but not quite certain.  I am still trying to learn how to tell the difference between semen and my mucus.  I had right abdominal pain/twinges  for the past 4 or 5 days.

Today, I have lots of lower back pain and sciatica pain, my legs are achey, I have this very irritating itchy feeling inside my right hip (nerve being pressed on? - can't scratch it!), I was very hot during the night last night and have slept restlessly the last couple of nights, I have joint pain and a slight headache today, I am SO tired... with the pain and exhaustion, I have been in bed for most of the day today, sleeping for 8 hours of it.

Not sure whether to associate it with actual ovulation, attempted ovulation, enlarged ovary, ovarian cyst, endometriosis, what???  I have 3 weeks until my appt with my specialist, but meet with my charting instructor next Thurs and will ask her if other clients have had this too... very curious and painful... wondering where it fits into the puzzle.


Amy said...

Did you ever start your cycle?

Amber said...

Not yet. On day 25 now I think.