Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fertility Journal completed and printed!

I am pretty excited about how this turned out.  I will start using it next cycle, want to keep using my current notebook so this cycle is all together.  It will be a lot less work for me on a daily basis a time-saver, gotta love that!

It has 50 double-sided pages that are a form (one form per page per day).  There are blanks for you to fill in all your TTC / health info... BBT, CM, fern, OPK, BD, meds, vitamins, as well as water, weight, exercise, foods eaten, blood sugar readings, symptoms, etc...

I am planning to use it for at least one cycle and contemplating getting a few volunteers to be "testers" and give feedback.  In the meantime, looking into the basics of how to offer them for sale at a reasonable price. Any advice?  Leave a comment if you are interested...


Unknown said...

Hi Amber i'd love to be a tester for our journal it looks awesome!great job!

*`Alicia`* said...

I would love to be a tester also. My husband is gone for a few months for work and I am going to be trying to better my health and my cycles. :)