Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My first PCOS appt.

I went to the UVA today for the baseline blood draws and blood glucose tests. I left home around 10am, Tom had the kids all day. I went to my sister Amanda's to help her out for a couple hours with new baby Oliver and her 2 older kids. When I went to leave, I discovered I had left my lights on and had to ask Noah to jump my battery. :( So, I was about 15 minutes late for my appt. I got there and did a weigh-in (lost 3.5lbs since last time!) and blood pressure reading (130/85 - yikes!). Then I gave a urine sample and was shown to a room and bed to get comfy in. They hooked up a hep lock (to avoid a new needle for each draw - there were 4 of them) and got the initial blood and then gave me a bag of jelly beans to eat within 10 minutes. I thought - no problem, I haven't eaten for 17 hours and have had no sugar in 4 months - ha! It was a lot harder than I thought, but still better than the nasty syrupy drink! After that I had some questionnares to fill out and then was left to just relax, read, watch TV etc... they did 3 more blood draws every half hour. Then they brought me my $50 check and a dinner of grilled chicken, salad, an apple and bottle of water (per my request) and I was out of there. Oh, they took my blood pressure again before I left and it was 83/65 - a little low actually. All in all, it went well. Next week I start the treatments for a total of 8 weeks and then I return to the hospital for these same blood draws/tests again followed by 5 weeks of urine samples and then a third 2-hour blood draw/tests to end the study.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure it was a long day but the program sounds so interesting.

Jelly beans - ugh! How did your blood sugar take that? I'm gradually cutting my carbs more & more - the less of them I eat, the less I want! Down to 1/2 a piece of bread with breakfast, 1/2 with lunch, 1/2 in afternoon snack, small amount of potatoes with dinner, and small amount of carbs with supper.

Anonymous said...

I thought I'd written a comment on this post but it must have disappeared. Sounds like it was a long day (and ugh to the jelly beans) but hopefully it will be worth it! I'm really interested in finding out what happens! :)