Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 3

I am super sore today. I did T-Tapp Ladybug workout (designed to help with hormones, primarily menopausal women, but should help me too). It felt great, but afterwards I had trouble walking - my thighs are super sore while everywhere else feels just a bit stretched.

I have done great with my eating, my energy is up a bit still. I needed a little motivation today, so stepped on the scale - down 2 pounds so far! I still really, really need to dig out my water bottles and start drinking at least a half gallon a day to start. I know I would start to feel better and be less hungry.

I dry brushed and took a hot salt water bath last night, felt fabulous and my skin still feels good today. I woke up with a headache and shoulder/neck tension - a sure sign that I am detoxing. Got better early afternoon.

That's it for today!

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