Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 6

I had a small cheat today. Tom wanted to buy some beef jerky, and wanted us all to taste it so that he knew we would like it before he bought a few pkgs... so he got the teriyaki kind and it had sugar, and MSG and I think even corn syrup solids. Now, I did have only 3-4 small crumbs, not even really a piece... but had to fess up anyway.

Okay, that feels better...

B'fast - my darling husband made chopped burgers, fried potatos and fried eggs combined with some fresh salsa I had made a few days ago... sooo yummy!

Lunch - a banana and a rice cake on the run (church mtg this afternoon).

Dinner - burger, baked potato, corn

Not great on my water, but I did drink a few glasses. I also pulled out my half-gallon jug from behind all the canned goods in the cabinet this evening, so should start to get at least one of those down daily now.

We (except Tom who is sore, wimper, wimper) all did T-Tapp Ladybug first part. I took a SUPER hot bath, really sweat in there and feel good now. I forgot to brush before I got in though, oh well.

I read my Bible reading this AM. All in all, not a bad day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool to read about how you're doing each day! Well done, go girl!!