Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 4

I did well today. Scrambled eggs for b'fast with my coffee, baked potato with coconut oil for lunch, chicken leg quarters with brown rice and broccoli/carrots for dinner. I had a banana for snack at some point, don't remember when. I did much better with my water today! I drank probably 72 oz, not quite what it needs to be, but better!

The whole family did the ladybug standing routine tonight. Rose pushed me to do a litte more, we had been stopping after the first segment. Tonight she and I got up to the "thread the needle" and then I was done. My muscles feel much better and I am so glad we have been consistent so far.

I got my skin brushing and hot salt bath in tonight, ready to climb into bed... oh, noticing that I am getting tired a wee bit earlier, and my mood is improving -hooray!!!

I also have started a plan to read through the Bible chronologically this year - got caught up on that while in the tub. :-)

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