Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Good News / Bad News - A needed update

Okay, like I mentioned I started my cycle and so this Friday when I got a great report from my friend that I've been praying for, I decided that due to feeling weak and to celebrate answered prayers, I would go ahead and take a break from fasting for the weekend again. Tom and I actually went out for dinner by ourselves on Saturday! It was lovely - and yummy! Back on track today. GOOD

I have been enjoying my Bible studies and prayer times. I am seeing growth there for sure and thank God for that. Would like to increase / concentrate my prayer times more still, so working on being able to do that. GOOD

I have been doing poorly with getting to bed on time and getting up early. I have done it a few times, but not consistently. BAD

I am not taking my Melatonin as needed - thinking about setting an alarm clock to go off each evening! BAD

Exercise - well, was doing okay and enjoying it the few times in a row I did it - but then my DVDs quit playing. I need to try them on my laptop, if that doesn't work I will start using my gazelle and just order the T-Tapp DVDs. BAD

I am feeling okay, still feeling heavy, yeasty, itchy, achey - not sleeping well and feeling pretty run down still. Hope to get some improvement soon. I am pretty glad that my womb is cleaning out well this time - last was so sporadic. I have to see hope in that! Oh, my face has been breaking out like crazy and my hair is more oily, ick! I have also noticed that my face has been itchy almost daily. Hoping this is detox/cleansing symptoms.

Guess that's about it for now... that's where I am right now!

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