Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy

Progesterone Chart levels entire pregnancy
NaPro chart calibrated with LabCorp in VA.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Symptoms today

Had a better day today. Tom agreed to take the phones in the mornings for me, the afternoons the kids did independent study/reading. I am tired, not used to being up so early, but it did help to get more accomplished during the day. Hoping I sleep better tonight.

Let's see, an update on symptoms...
*My anxiety/breathing was better during the morning, worsening through the afternoon and is pretty bad again tonight.
*Back pain is pretty much gone.
*Constipation has been much better for a couple weeks now.
*Cycle - felt a bit crampy in the belly and legs today, but nothing so far...
*Exercise - have been pretty consistent for 2 weeks now with some form of daily exercise, woo hoo!
*Food - vacation was pretty bad, just ate more frequently, though not horrible foods.
*Joint pain - not too bad right now.
*Migraine - none since last bout.
*Sleep - was doing pretty well until anxiety started, now tossing and turning but once I get to sleep I seem to do fine.
*Supplements - taking daily per list
*Throat - still get a bit hoarse and feel some tightness upon swallowing.
*Tonsil stones - greatly decreased, what has helped is more frequent brushing, including tongue and gargling with mouth was once a day.
*Water - working on drinking more, got down probably 48 oz today?
*Weight - uggh.... working on that, I started today with my strict diet again! :-)

There we go, a good run-down. Off to bed now.

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